Inicio > Fabian Quoss también le dice adiós al poker

«Nunca me recibí como una figura pública, siempre reservé mis pensamientos y mi vida personal. Por eso no se me había ocurrido anunciar mi retiro. Pero ya que hace un tiempo que no juego, un montón de gente me ha preguntado por qué. Estoy empezando a ser más activo en las redes sociales hoy en día, así que quiero compartir algunos pensamientos».

Estas son las palabras que eligió Fabian Quoss Flag of Alemania, quien tiene casi 10 millones de dólares cobrados en torneos en vivo, para comenzar el post que explica el porqué de su alejamiento del poker.

During my poker career, I never really perceived myself as a public figure, and always kept my thoughts and personal life private. So, it never occurred to me to “announce my exit“. But since I haven’t played in a while now, a lot of people messaged me asking why. I’m starting to be more active on social media these days, so I wanted to share a few thoughts. . The best description of what it’s like to be a professional high stakes poker player that I have ever read was in @jasonkoon ’s post from 12th May 2017. There are many sacrifices required when you set out to become world class at something. Dedicating your whole life to one thing inevitably consumes most of your energy, leaving no time to spend on other things. . A personality trait that I’ve observed over and over again in guys who became successful at the high stakes is the ability to go into total tunnel vision mode. Becoming so obsessed with accomplishing the chosen mission that it’s literally the only thing we spend our time on. I think this characteristic can be viewed as a skill, but also as a compulsive, unhealthy obsession. A lot of people who become masters of their craft are driven by their need to prove themselves, whether to their own egos, their peers, or to people who they think never believed in them. . The reason why I loved playing poker professionally wasn’t that I thought poker was especially interesting or rewarding of an activity (though, at times, it really can be both) but more because of the freedom it provided me. I was my own boss—traveling the world, meeting amazing people, doing something I was really passionate about. . There‘s an infinite amount of things we can choose to focus on, but for most of us, the majority of our lives revolves around a small number of things. We basically only exist in our own little bubbles, completely ignoring the infinite variety of other bubbles all around us. I think this is true for most people, but that it’s even more magnified for someone who immerses himself as deeply in an endeavour as the people described above. . [continues in comments]

Una publicación compartida de Fabian Quoss (@fabianquoss) el

Una característica de la personalidad que observé una y otra vez en muchachos que se volvieron muy exitosos en los niveles más altos es la habilidad de ir en un modo de visión de tunel. Nos obsesionamos con cumplir la misión elegida y es literalmente con lo único que pasamos nuestro tiempo. Creo que es una característica que puede ser vista como una habilidad, pero también como una compulsiva y poco saludable obsesión.

Ahora Quoss quiere explorar otras alternativas y encontrar un nuevo significado para su vida. ¡Le deseamos suerte!

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