Inicio > Poker Stars announced they are changing their VIP system in favor of the VIP Steps system in the U.K

Poker Stars published in their UK site, as well as in the popular forum 2+2, that as of January 1st their VIP rewards system will be substituted by a programme called VIP Steps. The main difference is that Frequent Player Points (FPP’s) won’t be given out until the end of the month, therefore less FPP’s will be given out in almost every level.

The new system breaks up every VIP Level into 20 different steps which will give out a determined amount of FPP’s by the month’s end. For example, players start out at Bronze Level and need 100 FPP’s to get to Chrome level, however; the new system establishes that every level will be divided in 20 steps worth 5 FPP’s (for the most part), with the exception of 4 steps which will be worth 6 FFP’s for a monthly total of 104 FPP’s, an increase from the previous system.

Never the less, the big issue is that the new system hands out half the amount of FPP’s in case you don’t reach your goal. Using the previous example, we can say that if someone generated 50 FPP’s in one month, they would only get 26 FPP’s. Under the previous programme, the player would have received 50 FPP’s, therefore there is now a significant reduction.

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British players  will be the first to experience this changes and many of them have already shown their discomfort, in spite of the fact that the red spade room mentions its goal as improving player interaction. It is expected that the site will be announcing further changes in the upcoming days, mostly in countries were taxes are considerably high.

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