Inicio > Doug Polk shows you how to extract value from your full house

Here is the situation. You hit your full house on the turn and you think: «This is mine. I will stack him.» You bet and he folds. Does it sound familiar? Then you think about it for minutes, hours and maybe days. What happened? What did you do wrong? The sizing? Should you check? Well, it is now in the past but if you don’t want the be in that situation again, check Doug Polk’s Flag of Estados Unidos latest video.

WCGRider analyses a spot where he completes his full house on the turn. Now the question is how to extract value from that spot.

Almost any player would check and maybe they would find a check back. However Polk takes another line that, in his rival’s mind, es more like a bluff. Then he bets the river and his rival makes a hero call for almost $30,000 dollars.

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